What To Do After Getting Hired


Congrats on getting hired!


Here’s what happens next:



You will need to register a time tracker account to each client that you will be working with, you can do this by going to your dashboard.


IMPORTANT: You must be logged into OBTime Tracker to get paid for hours worked!



Currently, payments are released every Friday of the week, with one week allowance for each pay period.



When a client signs up and hires you they have the option to use the OB dialer or their own technology.

If the client signed up for the OB dialer it will be accessible from inside your OB control panel (when you log in and see the campaign you are connected to)

IF the client has NOT signed up for OB dialer, you’ll need to get instructions from client on what system they want you to use.


NOTE: No matter what system you use for calling you MUST still log all your hours in Time Doctor to get paid for hours worked



If you have agreed to work on a performance project (per lead / per sale) you may not need to log and track your time.  (Unless it’s a combination of hourly + performance)

You just need to confirm with client what calling technology they want you to use and be very clear up front of what you’re getting paid for.

For example, what is the EXACT definition of a lead or sale? By being clear up front you can prevent miscommunication  and disputes later on.


4) PAYMENTS  Please note that all payments for performance or hourly work should be done through Outbounders.com system.


A client usually prepays for hourly service and then we pay you  – this guarantees you’ll receive payment.

On performance projects – we do not require a prepayment. If a client doesn’t honor their payment you should leave negative feedback immediately so other contractors are warned.


IMPORTANT: Do not accept any pay outside of Outbounders.com

If any client requests to pay you outside of Outbounders.com you should insist they pay you through Outbounders.com, this is to ensure you are 100% protected in receiving your pay and that the client is verified.


Any client that attempts to pay you outside OB should be reported to support@outbounders.com , along with evidence of their attempt. This will help other contractors to know those clients that are not verified and for them not to be a victim of putting in work without getting paid.


Please note that we also encourage clients to report any attempts a contractor, like yourself, might make to get paid outside OB and this could get your account suspended permanently along with possible penalties and fines which you agreed to when you signed up. Accounts suspended for this activity can never be re-opened!



– Do not accept pay outside of Outbounders.com

– Insist that clients pay you ONLY through Outbounders.com

– Report any client that asks to pay you outside of Outbounders.com


“Contractor understands that $1.50 will be deducted from pay on each pay out for processing fees.”


Congratulations on your new path and if you still have any questions you should visit http://helpdesk.fullpotential.com and if you don’t find answers there you can email us support@outbounders.com